Monday, April 7, 2008

diaries of a nanny

I my self am a nanny and thought this movie would be every interesting to watch. In a lot of ways this movie is extremely right in a lot of ways. The children do act this way and you do become attached to them. Every emotion I have ever felt being a nanny was brought out in this movie and not even to an extreme but dead on.
Lighting could have been worked on a little bit better, at times it was too dark, and I felt different lighting would have helped to not make the movie so drab looking. Sound was good noting special, but just what was intended for. everything else editing and camera seemed to be ok, even when the nanny cam was compromised (not thats funny and something I have always wanted to do!).

evan almighty

Evan almighty is a hilarious movie. It was actually better that I thought it was going to be, and I had no idea how it was going to end, but it ended well, with that fair tale ending. Special effects are something I always find cheesy, but had to be done here, and were done respectfully (enough and to the point). The movie was vary bright (light wise) for the most part and it had very good lighting over all. The choice of actors to play these parts were wonderful, except the wife, in my opinion she couldn't act to save her life, and in fact every time the movie had a scene with her I found it hard to believe, and couldn't really get into the story. The music that they choose I though to be one of the funnier parts of the movie, for they matched but just barely, but it really tied the movie into todays world. This is a wonderful movie for anyone young to old!